First 4.5 Day Sew Camp

With the thought of the first long sewing retreat coming up, I thought it would be fun to do something different. A friend and I were chatting about a beautiful border print fabric and what someone else had made from it. We both said, Oh, I would have made ________ {fill in the blank} from that fabric. And an idea was born.

Let’s Have a Challenge!

As part of the ‘Coordinated Sew Camps” I take the attendees on a field trip to Fabric Mart Fabrics. So, I reached out to Fabric Mart with my idea of providing the same fabric to everyone attending the Sew Camp. We were able to work together to collaborate on a fabric challenge.

Picking a Fabric

The next step was to email all the attendees, with several fabric options. Each fabric offered was a border print. Several were knits, one was a chiffon and one was a sateen. I then asked for people to give me their top three fabric choices. Gathered all the information from the responses and we ended up with a beautiful Milly floral border print.

bolt of black and white floral fabric draped over a stool.  This would be the fabric used for the June Sew Camp Challenge

Cutting It Up!

This part was a little scary. I had folded and rewrapped the 27 yards of fabric back onto the bolt. The night before everyone was due to arrive, Mr. Carriage Corner added a yard stick to the front on my cutting table and I measured off 3 yard pieces, folded it and had the fabric ready and waiting for the arrival of the campers.

a photo showing the gifts that the June Sew Campers received.  Clockwise from top left corner is a thread catcher, the Mily fabric, an emery board and a sewing themed coaster.

With 3 yards of fabric in hand, everyone was to make a garment by the end of July – a little over 5 weeks after the end of sew camp. Watch for the next post to see some of the garments that were made. I’m really impressed and inspired by the creativity of this group.

Coming Soon – the Reveal

Keep your eyes open for the reveal! The finished garments are spectacular. If you can’t wait, check out the hashtag #CarriageCornerSewCamp on Instagram for some of the finished garments!

And for information about upcoming SewCamps subscribe to the newsletter that just for Sew Camp You can also check out our Sew Camp exclusive website.